Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 4 in the Field

What?: This week we were actually supposed to teach Monday and Tuesday, but my school, Crescent, didn't have school those two days because the whole Canyons District had those two days off. I got lucky and got a whole week of Thanksgiving Break! :)

So what?: This week I started my big assignments like my Teacher Work Sample and put all the finishing touches on my lesson plans. I had to actually write up my lesson plan for the sarcophagus lesson that I helped out with. I learned a lot from Miss Draper in the arts because she was the arts teacher for sixth grade and she also did a lot to help other teachers in the school out with their arts stuff. She had a lot of great resources and tips for me.

Now what?: I definitely want to integrate the arts into my class. I was never really into the arts. I was just more athletic than "artsy" and didn't LOVE doing art projects, but I have seen a lot of ways that it can be fun for the students to get art into everyday of class. It benefits them a lot too. I am excited to try new things and get more ideas as my schooling goes on.

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