Sunday, October 24, 2010


WHAT?: I love love love music! I think it's great when it is integrated into a classroom. I liked learning the new ways to add music and song to my future class. I think its great when students can learn through music and sound.

SO WHAT?: I like the idea of making the words from books into songs or at least the key words. I think it's a great way for kids to remember important details from the story. I know that I can remember song lyrics and if words are put to music it's easier to recall the information.

NOW WHAT?: I will definitely use music in my class. It may not be actual singing all the time, but my students will have music in their everyday lives even if its just from my class. I think its an important way that people can express themselves and it tells a lot about the history of the world and especially our country.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Creative Dance

WHAT?: I really liked seeing everyone else's presentations and their own interpretations of creative dance from text. It was fun to act out and move in different ways in accordance to the books that the groups chose.

SO WHAT?: I will definitely use the creative dance and movement for books we use. I think it would be fun and creative to use with older classes and novels along with picture books. I loved seeing the different books too. I want to use some of them in my classes. I liked that a lot of groups picked books that used the science standards.

NOW WHAT?: I want to become more familiar with children's books that I can use with movement. I want to use dance especially when we're learning about other cultures. I think it could really bring the ancient cultures to life for the students. I also want to make it a regular thing in my classroom. I want them to expect to be able to move around and get their "wiggles" out!